About Our Therapist

Tanugatoa Aupiu
Founder & LMT

with specialty in sports massage therapy, trigger point release therapy, and structural massage therapy.

Talofa Lava!

My name is Tanugatoa Aupiu, but you can call me Tanu.

I’m originally from Southern California, but I’ve spent the majority of my life in Utah. Here, my love for Rugby & Dance were honed and quickly became more than a passion.

After playing rugby around the world and spending time as the lead dancer in a renowned production…

I had two goals:

  1. to build a career that could truly help people

  2. to build a career that could keep me close my first passions

This sparked the inspiration for Melosa Clinic.

Named after my Grandma —“Mealosa”.

Much of my childhood was spent watching as she healed those around her through Samoan FoFo (traditional herbal medicines & massage).

My practice focuses on lasting relief from pain. Using specialty techniques such as trigger point release therapy, myofascial release therapy, and structural massage therapy, I work intentionally with each client to address their unique needs and pain points.

Often, pain caused in one area of the body can manifest itself by referring that pain to another part of the body. My specialties allow me to identify the pain source and help my clients heal the root cause of their discomfort.

Through this clinic, I hope to honor my grandma using my expertise as a licensed massage therapist mixed with the practices used in ancient Polynesian healing, so I can help people understand the source of their pain and work together to start feeling better.

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